sphynxaustralia.com foundation member
Small hobby breeder located in Western Logan, 40 mins south west of Brisbane.
Proudly HCM, FIV/Felv and DNA testing cattery, Logan City Council registered.
We are located in the South East corner of Queensland, Australia 40 minutes from the heart of Brisbane.
Sphynx are an active and intelligent companion who make their presence known by their desire to interact with human family members and visitors alike. They are not a breed suited to everyone as they crave human attention and are not suitable for those looking for a docile cat.
Our aim is to breed for health, conformation and temperament. I have been involved with breeding cats, dogs and rats for over 40 years and have been a sphynx owner for over 15 years, now solely breeding sphynx for over 13 years.
Home raised kittens are placed in homes desexed, microchipped with watermarked copies of all relevant health test results and Veterinary Health Certificates including DNA HCM results, and parents full DNA panel as well as FIV/FeLv. Age of rehoming varies but is never earlier than 12 weeks - and can extend if required travel is long.
All active breeding sphynx are scanned at least annually by board certified cardiologist and scans as well as HCM DNA results listed on an independent sphynx database, regardless of result (negative, equivocal or positive).
Proud to be a preservation sphynx breeder focusing on taking sphynx into the future as a healthy breed, preserving the quirky breed as we know it.
Im Sphynx has no kittens available and will be taking an extended breeding break as at July 2023. Please feel free to contact other health testing breeders on this page for kitten availability
Im Sphynx has disabled all contact emails and messaging. If you are wanting a kitten please review other breeders on these pages