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Available Kittens

As a responsible Sphynx Breeders, we all carefully screen potential owners to make sure they understand exactly what is required when it comes to taking care of our family members as they move from our home to yours.


Please note, because they are such a rare and specialised breed, we DO NOT offer our pets on a first come first serve basis.  The right home is primary and we select this based on each kittens individual needs.  


Kittens may not be  advertised as available until after vet clearance at first vaccination and health checks - please check with individual breeders

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Available Kittens highlighted in gold 

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Sphynxstar has no kittens currently available but expects to have babies available in early 2025.  Please contact us for further information.


     Follow our facebook page for further updates.  Please feel free to contact us on

Bare Necessity Sphynx (Qld)


We ae expecting kittens in early 2025.  Please feel free to contact us for further information​

We are

Enquiries through our contacts page please


Barebeauties has available kittens, please see our Facebook page for further information or contact us through our website


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Deja Nude sphynx is taking a break from breeding in 2023. 


Cosmickatz has a waiting list, please contact us for further details.

See our breeder page for links to contact us directly.



Please note Im Sphynx has no kittens available for 2024-2025


Please verify information provided by each breeder - is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided..


©2021 by sphynxaustralia. Proudly created with

Affiliated with Facebook Group:   ASHA - Australasian Sphynx Health Alliance

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